Lesley Easson

Remembering an amazing person

Lesley Easson

18/08/1943 — 19/03/2021

Lesley was an amazing, friendly, passionate, and giving person who always had time for others and loved to contribute to her community. She worked tirelessly with Friends of the Parnkalla Walking Trail to protect threatened native flora — and the fauna dependent on it — and to promote wider public appreciation of the environment.

Lesley’s involvement with the Friends of the Parnkalla Walking Trail began in 2001, when the group was first formed. Lesley joined as Secretary in that same year, a position she held until her passing in 2021. She was involved with all aspects of the FPWT, from grant submissions and liaison with council, local government and the Port Lincoln Times, to organising working bees and plantings, to giving informational talks and producing the interpretative signs that you can see along the trail today.

Lesley’s passion for the unique bushland along the Parnkalla Walking Trail led to her role as author and editor of:

  • ‘Useful Plants of the Parnkalla Walking Trail’, a resource that inspires South Australians to look closer at nature and appreciate our environment’s wonders. This booklet can be found at the Port Lincoln Visitor Information Centre and other stores in town.
  • ‘History of the Parnkalla Walking Trail’ (together with Margaret Tilsner), the story of the trail from its inception in 1986 (soon to be published).

More on Lesley’s life and work, and the Parnkalla Walking Trail to come.